We have lived in our RV for over six months now. I figured I would give you an update on the good, the bad and the ugly. So far we are really happy with our decision. There have been little bumps and knowing what I know now I might have chosen a different trailer, but maybe not.
The Good:
-I got to quit a job I hated!!
-When I decide to clean the house, it takes us only about 20 minutes to get it looking good.
-It's harder to lose stuff...things can only be in so many places so I spend a lot less time looking for things I have lost.
-We spend more time hanging out together. When you only have one living area, people can't hide in other areas of the house.
-It's been awesome having a pool to jump in whenever we want...and we don't have to clean it.
-We work with each other better. For example, only one person can be in the kitchen at a time, so we have to ask that person for help if we need something in the kitchen at that time. We all understand that the space is small so no one minds helping each other out.
-There aren't a lot of chores to do.
-We are always making new friends.
-Adult time still happens ;)
The Bad:
-It's a little hard to keep it cool during the day...but we are now pretty comfy at 83 degrees. If it gets down to 77 we are all cold.
-There isn't a good place to run and ride my bike without driving somewhere. I miss running and riding out my door.
-Ice....I miss having an endless supply of ice. We buy bags of ice, but I do miss my ice maker.
-The air conditioners are loud...which helps with adult time (wink, wink)...but gets annoying sometimes.
-Our electric bill is almost as high as when we were in the house. This is due to the park charging a ridiculous amount for electricity...but I was really hoping for super cheap electricity. But we don't pay for water so there is a savings for sure.
-I get bored sometimes because there isn't much housework I have to do.
The Ugly:
-I don't have anything for here...except I look forward to when my view isn't the next trailer over...maybe a lake or an ocean or something.
Overall I think we have grown closer as a family. We have developed a rhythm to our day and so it doesn't feel awkward like it did at first. And most of the bad is due to where we are parked, not the RV itself. I look forward to being able to travel instead of staying in one place all the time.
It's funny now when I go to someone's house and their entry way is almost as big as our entire house. It feels weird. Everything is relative. Our trailer is one of the bigger ones in the park and most people remark about how it is too big. Even for families with kids. We are seriously considering downsizing once our son graduates next year. Maybe someday Ken and I will be able to live in a 100 square foot tiny house.
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